Siteworks Version 1.43
Horizontal Lightbar
Siteworks v1.43 introduces a new horizontal lightbar that will display a red arrow pointing to the centerline and show the horizontal distance to a line selected for staking when in Stake mode, or the distance to a reference line or alignment when in Measure mode. The displayed distances will match the offset distance as shown in the Info Bar/Panel when staking, and the Reference Offset distance when a Ref Line is active. This feature is available as a new panel option that is selectable via Map Options > Panel Display > Horizontal Lightbar or via the side panel Pop Up selection menu.
Vertical Exaggeration of 3D Surface Viewer
It is now possible to vertically exaggerate the 3D surface view. A new “3D View” tab has been added to the Map Options where it is possible to set the value of the selected surface’s vertical exaggeration and whether to show text displaying the amount of vertical exaggeration in the window. The Map Options icon has also now been added to the 3D view allowing for access into the existing Map Options screens. The valid range of exaggeration is from 0.05 to 50x. Note that values less than 1 will “compress” the surface while values greater than 1 will “expand” the surface. This is a visualization-only feature and has no impact on any measured data.
Cross Section Vertical Exaggeration
The cross-section display can now be vertically exaggerated through a new setting in the Design Tab of the Map Options screen. This value is independent of the 3D view’s Vertical Exaggeration and has no impact on any measured data, it is a visualization-only feature. An option to show the Vertical Exaggeration Text is also present that will display the Exaggeration value in the cross section.
Export Measured Data to USB on Android Devices
It is now possible to select a USB drive on Android devices when exporting Measured data DXF and CSV point files. An option to select the “File Location” is available where either “Device” or “USB Drive” is selected. Choosing Device will continue to export the files to the current Work Order’s Output folder on the device. Selecting USB Drive will allow for saving of the exported file to the USBs root directory. Note that the Record.txt and any of the Network Measurement export options are still written to the local device and are not able to be exported directly to the USB drive. This is the same behavior as on Windows systems.