3D Linework Export from TBC
3D Linework Design (Tiling)
- Complete a site calibration
- Start on a fresh Work Order, and no design needed (Use a design if you have one)
- Create a point at your inlet point (Start Point) and name it Inlet
- Walk to the location you want your outlet and mark a point and name it Outlet (Don’t worry about Elevation)
- Next Go to the Menu in the top left and select COGO Create Points/Arcs
- Look for Point at Bearing & Distance and select it so it is highlighted yellow
- Select your Inlet point for the Origin Point and hit accept to move on
- Next select your Outlet point so it creates a red line on your screen
- The Information on the right side shows the correct deflection angle and distance you
- In the Vertical offset section hit the drop don bar and change it to Slope% and enter -2 in the box and select Accept in the bottom right
- This will create a new point at the deflection angle, distance, and new Name this point Outlet1
- Select Accept when done
- Now connect Inlet to Outlet1 using the Create Line/Boundary
- Line Type should be Breakline and Name the line Tile Click Accept when done and hit the X button in the top left
- To save this deign click the menu in the top left and go to Data Management section and select Surface as Design
- Go to the project setup and select the new Tile Line design that was just created