Arbitrary Site Creation

1. Turn on your base and wait for it to boot up to the main screen

2. Hit the enter button on the face plate of the base 3 times or until you see the screen say “Base Station Edit Current” 

3. Then hit the down arrow once so it says “Base Station New Base (Here)”

4. Tap the enter button until you are back to the main screen of the base

5. Move to the machine and make sure everything is turned on

6. On the Dashboard select the Job Setup tile

7. Next to the top drop-down bar named Project hit the black icon to the right



8. Tap the Create button on the bottom


9. Name the Project that you would like and hit Save

10. On the next screen make sure it is highlighted yellow and hit Select

11. On the next screen change the Mode to Infield and proceed to create the design you want in the design section